About Simple Real

"Simple Life, Real Sensation" implies that to be simple is to be real. Likewise, to be real, it is important to be simple.
Intertwined that these concepts are, they define the essence of a life in terms of its happiness quotient. Hectic that a typical contemporary lifestyle is, people seldom have the time or the mindset to enjoy simpler things, like preparing just the right amount of tea/coffee.
With everyone caught up in the daily grind, gradually there is a monotony that creeps in unnoticed and continues to grow till it casts its shadow over every aspect. When that happens, we as human beings lose a sense of perception and fall into a monotonous everyday routine.
shun t. and becca t. realized one day, after having worked as professionals in the IT industry for the last 15 years, how empty their life had become without the simpler things. Alongside the realization came the willingness to opt for a change, not just in their lifestyle but also of others who were just like them. The two soon traded their demanding jobs and tedious work routine for a life that called for being simple and real.
Since both had a proclivity towards brewing just the right amount of tea/coffee, channeling their innovative ideas towards the fulfillment of this desire was but obvious. Thus, the brand Simple Real was born out of the will to create happiness and enjoy the sensation.
Our Vision
The founders unanimously agreed that being yourself was the surest path to simple living. It entailed knowing exactly what you wanted, making your own decisions, pursuing your goals and living as you wished.
To live simply also meant being confident about your choices and standing up to criticisms, queries and scrutiny without even a hint of doubt. Being yourself also meant seeking happiness from the simplest things in life and succumbing to the emotion.
In a world wherein everything is judged on the basis of quantity, a tea/coffee comes across as an exception that tastes best when prepared in just the right amount. Our vision is to watch you slow down by choice and seek happiness through various real life experiences.

Our Mission
Contrary to the current trend of instant gratification, our founders believe that seeking happiness is a relatively slow process. Much of its success depends on how well an individual is able to identify his/her deepest feeling and re-awaken emotions that have been suppressed long enough to have been lost. The slower this process is, the more effective it is in retrieving warm memories and achieving the proverbial simplicity. But once it clicks, the feeling of blissful contentment no longer seems as elusive.
By reviving the concept of pour over rituals, our mission is to persuade genuine tea/coffee connoisseurs to identify with their inner selves. Nothing could be more blissful than just the right amount of tea/coffee that has been prepared meticulously sans stress or time pressure.
Our Ethos
Be simple and you will have taken a step towards experiencing real sensation. At Simple Real we advocate maintaining simplicity towards every aspect of life so that the sensation you derive is as real as possible. Overcome the tediousness that might be weighing you down and release yourself mentally and emotionally to experience the joy of being alive.

Not all pour over designer kits are born equal. While Simple Real cannot prevent you from feeling overwhelmed by the number of brands available in the market, what we can do is to highlight our plus points for you to consider.

Some reasons why you must consider us are -
• Customization: Something that every coffee/tea enthusiast enjoys is brewing just the right amount of tea/coffee. This is exactly what we facilitate – with our products, you can fix your own ratio of ingredients and time to prepare tea/coffee as per your personal tastes.
• Capacity: Simple Real realizes that every ritual is a personal experience, and therefore, should be unique enough to cater to the individual user. Use our products to prepare just the right amount of tea/coffee and sip it in solitude to feel overwhelmed by a real sensation of warmth.
• Comfortable flow-rate: How adeptly you handle the designer kit is what determines the quality of your tea/coffee. In such a situation, how about using a pour over kit, namely Simple Real, which enables you to control the flow-rate while being consistent with the outcome?
• Versatile: Carry your Simple Real kit wherever you go. Whether you are at home, in the office, or travelling around the world, it is a steady and sturdy companion that would unfailingly infuse warmth into your life in any setting or situation. Enjoy just the right amount of tea/coffee and relish the sensation.
• Convenience: Every kit comes with two lids – a wooden lid for the pour over kettle and a glass lid for the double wall glass. While both function as covers, the wooden lid features a thermometer to gauge the temperature of the brew while the glass lid holds the ceramic dripper in place.
As a connoisseur, it is only fair to be choosy about your kit. Take your time to test out each of our finer aspects while shopping and then decide if we are the right fit for you. Whatever impression you form please feel free to convey to us, because we value inputs from experts based anywhere in the world.
Our Objective
There is more to life than just work, work and work. We urge you to look forward to the hours beyond work and utilize these to satiate your more delicate senses. A Simple Real kit can be an effective salvation, given the high degree of enrichment that it has been designed to provide. Our objectives in creating this kit are -
• To enable you to prepare just the right amount of tea/coffee: Whether you are at home, office or a camping trip, with the Simple Real kit by your side, you will never be too far away from perfectly prepared tea/coffee. And going through the ritual will only strengthen your reputation as a connoisseur.
• To provide you with better quality tea/coffee: You deserve the best tea/coffee, which in turn is an outcome of maintaining the right temperature throughout the ritual. Even a bit of temperature fluctuation can cause your brew to taste burnt or insipid, and this explains why our pour over kettle is fitted with a sensitive thermometer.
• To see you and your pet smile: We strongly believe that happy owners lead to happy pets, and a guarantee of this happiness is unmatched quality. All you need to do is invest in a good-quality designer kit and ensure years of satisfaction that would keep both you and your pet smiling forever.
Simple, sophisticated and sensational that Simple Real products are, you can easily equate them with the Lamborghini in the world of cars.