TAMAGO x ORIGAMI Pour Over Coffee Kit - Premium Set
Created for a connoisseur, this kit allows you to brew just the right amount of coffee at any given point in time just for yourself.
Ergonomic, aesthetic, convenient and innovative, it offers the best of both worlds - ancient and contemporary.
When you wake up in the morning, you use TAMAGO to brew your coffee.
When you are busy with work and want a break time, you use TAMAGO to relax your body and mind.
When you finally finish housework, it is time to use TAMAGO to enjoy the peaceful moment…

The TAMAGO Premium Set is inclusive of:
• 350 ml pour over coffee kettle with a wooden lid comprising of an embedded thermometer;
• 330 ml double wall glass cup with a glass lid to cover and hold the ceramic dripper in place;
• Ceramic dripper designed by a barista in collusion with ceramic experts;

Let me introduce:Why is TAMAGO Pour Over Coffee Kettle Attractive?

Aestheticism: Courtesy its egg-shaped physique, the pour over coffee kettle features smooth contours. It is aesthetic enough to form a perfect oval while emitting a timeless and classic vibe.

Material: Being a unique combination of wood and stainless steel, TAMAGO is both natural and durable. The outer wooden covering lends a natural look. An inner lining of stainless steel prevents hot water from corroding the wood and shortening its shelf-life.
Comfortable flow-rate: TAMAGO pour over coffee kettle is much more than what meets the eye. Its 4mm gooseneck spout facilitates all types of pouring, namely controlled, heavy or dripping. Thus, you can control the flow-rate and determine the concentration of the brew.

Durability: Adequate stainless steel support to the wood lends durability to the pour over coffee kettle and ensures that it would last longer as compared to other wooden kettles. It is also much less likely to lose shape due to high temperatures, and withstand wear and tear of daily usage.

User friendly & Multi-purpose Wooden Lid: In addition to acting as a cover for the pour over coffee kettle, the wooden lid performs multiple functions. It serves as the base into which the thermometer is embedded, thus enabling the user to monitor the temperature. Secondly, it acts as a cover for the kettle and prevents the hot water from cooling down. Lastly, the inner surface of the lid is lined with stainless steel, thereby reducing the chances of becoming misshapen due to heat.

Provision of thermometer: Embedded on the wooden lid of the pour over kettle is a thermometer, which can be detached from the kettle if required. Temperature plays a crucial role in determining the quality of the brew and this is where the thermometer turns out to be truly useful.
Dual Indicators: On the inner surface of the kettle, there is vertical marking with dual indications at levels 250 ml and 350 ml respectively. The 250-ml mark would require 15 grams of coffee grind, to prepare 220 ml of heartwarming brew. Increase the grind to 20 grams and you will be able to use 350 ml of water to brew 310 ml of coffee.

Wooden Pad at The Base: Lining the base of the pour over coffee kettle is a wooden pad that is meant to act as insulation. When the water in the kettle is hot, the base is likely to heat up too, which in turn might leave an imprint on your desk or any other surface. But with the wooden pad lining the base, no matter what the temperature of the water in the kettle might be, the base remains cool. Thus, the kettle can be placed on any surface without the fear of leaving imprints.
TAMAGO Double Wall Glass Cup (with 2022 new version Lid)
Having performed the ritual and prepared just the right amount of coffee, it is time to pour the same into the double wall glass cup that matches the kettle in capacity i.e. 330 ml.

This glass cup is –
• Convenient to hold since the double walls provide sufficient insulation from heat/cold;
• Ergonomically shaped to facilitate a good grasp without the fear of slippage;
• Capacity of 330ml to accommodate just the right amount of coffee only for you;
• Comes with a glass lid that serves the trifold purpose of preventing the coffee from spilling over, getting cold and holding the ceramic dripper in place;

ORIGAMI Ceramic Dripper
Originally from Japan, the ceramic dripper is unique owing to its design. Designed by a barista in collusion with ceramic experts, who even bagged the winning prize at a competition, it is one of the premium attractions of TAMAGO.
What makes this component of the pour over coffee kit special is –
• Its circumference of 150 mm and a height of 70 mm;
• Bottom hole having a circumference of 25 mm;
• Carved out of porcelain/wood;
• Can withstand up to 120 degrees Centigrade of temperature;
• Weighs 160 grams;
Because the spacing between the ribs is large enough to allow for the user to be able to control the flow rate, it is simple enough for both amateur as also experienced connoisseurs.

How to use TAMAGO Premium Set

Reliable Packaging
All good things come in reliable packages, and TAMAGO ensures reliability through meticulous packing. Just so the user does not get confused as to which side of the package to open first, as also the direction in which it should be facing, there are white lines on the surface that outline the silhouette of the product.
Given the uniqueness of the product, it is only fair to guide the user so that the package is opened carefully and with utmost caution.

SGS Certification

TAMAGO Origin Story
Birth of this concept cannot be pinpointed to any standalone incident; rather it can be attributed to years of observation and frantic lifestyle on part of the founders. TAMAGO was created as an attempt to revive the ancient concept of brewing just the right amount of coffee at any given point in time.
Presently, pour over coffee is experienced at third-generation coffee houses. However, a peek in the past reveals that in ancient times, it was a popular art that was much revered. Brewing coffee was a matter of pride and persona, with each individual undertaking it as he would an important project. Needless to say, the outcome was as distinguished as a personal signature of the maker.
At some point in history, this system was replaced by the concept of instant coffee, probably because people became busy and coffee was no longer a priority. Gone were the days when these were sipped at leisure, because nowadays even this happens while on the run.
The emphasis also shifted to quantity over quality, thus explaining the universal presence of the communal coffee pot. In such a situation, re-introduction of pour over coffee proved undoubtedly innovative and totally disruptive to the ongoing trend.

TAMAGO revived not just a long-forgotten age-old tradition but also the concept of personalization. As a designer pour over coffee kit that believes in brewing just the right amount of coffee, this brand upholds the values of simplicity and personal satisfaction.
To be able to use TAMAGO to perfection, the individual needs to be a genuine connoisseur of coffee. Only then can the ritual be carried out for the outcome to be really sensational.
With TAMAGO by your side, brush aside the problems associated with contemporary coffee drinking. The community pot is often too big for one serving, too heavy, too ugly, or at a wrong temperature.
So, it is time to shift over to TAMAGO. Acquire your designer pour over coffee kit and bid adieu to all your woes by brewing just the right amount exactly as per your liking.
TAMAGO – Responding To the Era of Customization
Having quit their jobs, shun t. and becca t. decided to utilize their time researching the world of coffee connoisseurs. They were transported through a variety of worlds ranging from the community pot to the various brands that had recently ventured into the niche of the pour over coffee kit.
Much to their dismay, they discovered that the art of coffee making as also relishing it had lost its essence of personalization. Preparing coffee had assumed a run-of-the-mill character and likewise, coffee drinking was an on-the-run activity.
Inspired by the situation, the two IT professionals metamorphosed into pioneers and founded Simple Real. The next step entailed injecting the brand with a dose of customization, and this is how TAMAGO came into being. Shaped to resemble an egg, the premium designer product was created not just as an attempt at innovation, but also to introduce customization.
Because the founders wanted TAMAGO to be associated with connoisseurs, no stone was left unturned in ensuring the best in terms of quality and design.
Of course, this did not happen overnight. It took days, weeks, and months of hard work and persistence to come up with a prototype that eventually met all the requisites. Every specification was pondered upon and endless revisions were made till no further improvement was possible.
Finally, Simple Real launched TAMAGO, the premium-quality designer pour over coffee kit for coffee connoisseurs to prepare just the right amount and relish the sensation.
Final Thoughts
A connoisseur’s dream, TAMAGO is a concept in itself. Its beauty lies in simplicity, and the enrichment that comes from real sensation. You can live simply by choice, while still being able to enjoy the real sensation that comes from preparing just the right amount of pour over coffee.
Product Information
TAMAGO Mini Pour-Over Kettle
Dimensions - W 215mm x D 85 mm x H 107 mm
Capacity - 350 ml
Materials - 18-8 stainless steel / wood
Net Weight - 300 g
Taiwan Design
Design in Taiwan, Made in China
TAMAGO Double Wall Glass
(with 2022 new version Lid)
Dimensions - Ø 88 x H 100 mm
Capacity - 330 ml
Materials - glass
Net Weight - 245 g
Taiwan Design
Design in Taiwan, Made in China
Dimensions - Ø 115 x H 70 mm
Bottom hole - Ø 25
Materials - porcelain / wood
Net Weight - 160 g
Heatproof Temperature - 120 °C
Made in Japan
Delivery policy :
Product will be delivered within 5 days once order confirmed! We ship via Post office or Fedex, it will take about 7-15days for receiving your goods. There might be customs fees depends on each countries regulation and customer should bear for local expenses if any!